How to hashrate up on popular miners

Nov 19, 2020


New project for hashrate up on miners, absolute free, development of the project idea “ETHlargement” for new video card architectures ProjectEthereumPill release.

This project is unique in its kind and is being developed taking into account new video card architectures. The project works with all popular miners and coins such as ETH / ETC / RVN

Work algorithm:

  1. Run the pill
  2. Run the miner
  3. Wait until all the necessary components for the tablet are loaded. The result will be visible within an hour

Support Algo: Ethash/KawPow/ProgPow



1080ti — 58 mh/s
2060–59 mh/s
2070–60–62 mh/s
2080–63–67 mh/s
2080ti — 68–71 mh/s
3070–76–78 mh/s
3080–97–99 mh/s
3090–115–127 mh/s

RX470 8gb — 35 mh/s
RX480 8gb — 37 mh/s
RX580 8gb — 40 mh/s
Vega56–46 mh/s
Vega64–52 mh/s
RX5500 XT — 60 mh/s
RX5600 XT — 64 mh/s
RX5700 XT — 67 mh/s

Why is the project distributed free of charge? As a developer of this project, I can say that the project is a pilot in the study of mining and its impact on the industry, I am interested in this area, and I want you to be also interested in mining.

The project is actively developing, and I can tell you that the GUI version of the project is under development. In addition to increasing the hash rate, other functions will also be available to speed up mining, follow the project.

P.S.: the project is being drowned by competitors, don’t trust anyone, check the information yourself



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